



Det ursprungliga priset var: 5,995.00 kr.Det nuvarande priset är: 3,495.00 kr. Inkl. moms

Controlled Contact is a direct and controlled contact isolation product placed on the underside of components: amplifiers, sources, converters etc..

Säljes i set med 3st.
Perfekt för din källa, DAC, försteg, integrerad förstärkare osv. Kontrollerar vibrationer, men behöver musikalitet.

Utförsäljning då Lateral inte längre distribuerar till återförsäljare i EU.

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LAS-CC Controlled Contact

Realising further performance of audio components, and flexibility of use LAS-CC enables the pinnacle of audio performance. As part of a considered audio stand and system setup approach the use of LAS-CC can bring the joy of audio, experiencing musical emotion and insight.

Placed directly to the underside of the audio component LAS-CC provides an absolute support and controls the energy between the audio surface and the audio component.
Primary source digital components, pre-amplifiers and fully integrated amplifiers with streaming and DAC capabilities showing performance benefits.

Achieved using a number of engineering design, material and motion principles, continued from the research and development of the LAS-4 series audio stands.
Dimensions: 32mm height, 38mm diameter
Supplied in sets of 3 or 4 – weight capacity 60 kg and 80 kg respectively



Manufacturer / product website: Lateral Audio Stands –



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